Jazz with Bruce Edwards on the guitar and Vienna Carroll, vocals.
Delightful backyard seating, good Ethiopian food, and honey wine
763 St Nicholas Avenue, Harlem (between 148/149)
A B C D to 145th St M3 bus
With Dan Furman on piano and Jennifer Vincent on bass. This most fabulous spot in beautiful Ft. Tryon Park is perfect for an end of the week cocktail and jazz. A restored carriage house – by Bette Midler! – with a friendly wait staff and great food and drinks selection. Join us! Check out the Heather Garden on your way in. No cover. Free parking.
New Leaf Restaurant
1 Margaret Corbin Drive, New York, NY 10040
(212) 568-5323
• Take the A to 190th Street (and Ft. Washington Ave.)– it is at the park entrance
and a short walk to the New Leaf.
• M4 bus goes into park. M98 Express bus goes to park entrance at 190 St. & Ft. Washington Ave.
• Easy walk from Broadway from 190 Street (take subway tunnel connecting Bennett & Ft. Washington Aves.)
• There is also an car exit for the park off the Henry Hudson Parkway & parking across street
For more info, please call (973) 596-6550
Sunday November 8, 2015
Long Beach, NY
Artists in Partnership, Inc. and the Long Beach Public Library present the 4th Annual Kickin’ Country Music Festival and Food Drive for the Food and Friendship Inn at the Long Beach Public Library and other venues, from Friday, November 6th through Sunday, November 8th. The Long Beach Public Library is located at 111 West Park Avenue, Long Beach, NY.
All events are free, but we ask that participants bring non-perishable food and personal care items for our Long Beach Food and Friendship Inn Food Drive to benefit local homeless/hungry citizens.
Please contact us at aip4arts@gmail.com for more information or call (516) 432-6342.
Quakers helped. Mostly, Black people Freed Ourselves through the "Slave Grapevine." Watch the story of African Queens kidnapped, enslaved and resisting. Plus, U.S. Colored Troops and the Slave Grapevine in the Black freedom struggle in the U.S.
Read a brief history of slavery and African rebellions in America freeing ourselves.