With Dan Furman on piano and Jennifer Vincent on bass. This most fabulous spot in beautiful Ft. Tryon Park is perfect for an end of the week cocktail and jazz. A restored carriage house – by Bette Midler! – with a friendly wait staff and great food and drinks selection. Join us! Check out the Heather Garden on your way in. No cover. Free parking.
New Leaf Restaurant
1 Margaret Corbin Drive, New York, NY 10040
(212) 568-5323
• Take the A to 190th Street (and Ft. Washington Ave.)– it is at the park entrance
and a short walk to the New Leaf.
• M4 bus goes into park. M98 Express bus goes to park entrance at 190 St. & Ft. Washington Ave.
• Easy walk from Broadway from 190 Street (take subway tunnel connecting Bennett & Ft. Washington Aves.)
• There is also an car exit for the park off the Henry Hudson Parkway & parking across street